A Commentary on A. Vega’s “Apophatic Aesthetics and Hermeneutics of Mystery”

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Isabel Cabrera


In this commentary four questions are put to Amador Vega; the first is about the difference between Apophatic Aesthetics and hermeneutics of mystery; the second concerns the kind of emotions involved in his Apophatic Aesthetics; the third is whether this kind of approach can be adequate for figurative art; and the last is about the role played by ritual (and repetition) in his religious aesthetics.


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How to Cite
Cabrera, I. (2009). A Commentary on A. Vega’s “Apophatic Aesthetics and Hermeneutics of Mystery”. DIÁNOIA, 54(62), 119–122. https://doi.org/10.21898/dia.v54i62.258
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Author Biography

Isabel Cabrera

Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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