Stages of Otherness in the Philosophy of Luis Villoro

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Mario Teodoro Ramírez


This essay interprets Luis Villoro’s philosophy as a pluralist and progressive one, with a rationally critical focus on otherness; i.e., as a criticism of the “egological” paradigm of the Western philosophical-cultural tradition. Four states of otherness are distinguished in his work. 1) The other as “you”: the interpersonal experience of otherness; 2) the other as “somebody else” or a “stranger”, this being the cultural-historic experience of otherness, that particularly refers to the Mexican Indians; 3) the Other as the absolute regarding the metaphysical-religious experience of otherness; 4) the other as “the others”, that is, the communitarian experience and the ideal of a human community that is harmonic and free. It concludes with a reflection upon the meaning and value of Villoro’s philosophical and socio-cultural proposal.


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How to Cite
Ramírez, M. T. (2007). Stages of Otherness in the Philosophy of Luis Villoro. DIÁNOIA, 52(58), 143–175.
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Author Biography

Mario Teodoro Ramírez

Facultad de Filosofía “Samuel Ramos”, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
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