Commentary on the Review of La frágil frontera de las palabras. Ensayo sobre los (débiles) márgenes entre filosofía y literatura. by Carlos Mendiola Mejía

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Pablo Lazo Briones


A critical commentary or response is offered here to Carlos Mendiola’s review of the book La frágil frontera de las palabras. Ensayo sobre los (débiles) márgenes entre filosofía y literatura, by Pablo Lazo. In this commentary, the aims and the thesis defended in the above mentioned text are emphasized, at the time deviations of reading and interpretation in the commented review are realized. Thus, an argued reply is done, as an opened dissension, with regard to what the reviewer had said.


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How to Cite
Lazo Briones, P. (2008). Commentary on the Review of La frágil frontera de las palabras. Ensayo sobre los (débiles) márgenes entre filosofía y literatura. by Carlos Mendiola Mejía. DIÁNOIA, 53(61), 189–196.
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Author Biography

Pablo Lazo Briones

Universidad Iberoamericana, Departamento de Filosofía
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