The School of Alexander?

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R.W. Sharples


Even though the works of Alexander of Aphrodisias exerted a considerable influence in later Ancient Philosophy and have occupied a prominent place in the history of the Peripatetic school and of ancient Aristotelianism in general, little is know about his teachers and pupils and about his interaction with contemporary philosophers. In this paper, R.W. Sharples offers a reconstruction of Alexander’s immediate context and, especially, a critical discussion of how strong the evidence is for concluding that some features of his works —such as inner doctrinal discrepancies— reflect different philosophical positions within his own school.


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How to Cite
Sharples, R. (2008). The School of Alexander?. DIÁNOIA, 53(61), 3–46.
Author Biography

R.W. Sharples

Department of Greek and Latin, University College London
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