The Formal Indication as a Renewal of Phenomenology: Lights and Shadows

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José Ruiz Fernández


In his first Freiburg lessons Heidegger proposed that an original philosophical conceptualization had to have a formal-indicative character. This involved a deep methodological transformation of phenomenology towards a hermeneutics of factual life. This work expounds how the assumption of a formal-indicative procedure allows Heidegger to overcome certain problems of Husserl’s understanding of phenomenology, which Natorp had pointed out. Besides, this paper makes a critical consideration of Heidegger’s original phenomenological approach.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Fernández, J. (2011). The Formal Indication as a Renewal of Phenomenology: Lights and Shadows. DIÁNOIA, 56(66), 31–58.
Author Biography

José Ruiz Fernández

Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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