Assertion, Expression, and Action. A Reading of J.L. Austin

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Tomás Andrés Barrero


This paper offers a new interpretation of John Austin’s views both on assertion and on adverbs, as result of which an expressivist thesis concerning the semantics for action sentences is advanced. First, Austin’s analysis of assertion based on various, specific assertive forces and his remarks on adverbs are systematically connected in order to obtain assertive schemata for action sentences. Finally, those schemata are put to work as the expression of inferential commitments implicit in argumentative practices of different sorts (exculpatory, justificatory and illustrative) in the deployment of which both logical contrariety and contradiction are exploited.


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How to Cite
Barrero, T. A. (2015). Assertion, Expression, and Action. A Reading of J.L. Austin. DIÁNOIA, 60(74), 81–107.
Author Biography

Tomás Andrés Barrero

Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
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