The Value of Caring Relationships

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Moisés Vaca


This paper focuses on the value of caring relationships and the public policy that should be adopted regarding them. I defend that, as Elizabeth Brake has argued, considering that such relationships are one of the social bases of self-respect, the same legal protective framework that it is now accessible to bi-amorous relationships under marriage law should be available to other caring relationships between adults —such as long-term friendships, long-term cohabitations and poli-amorous relationships. However, unlike Brake, I hold that we should avoid referring legally by the term ‘marriage’ to any caring relationship. In short, my proposal is to extend the rights associated to marriage to other caring relationships between adults and to eliminate such term from legislation all together.


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How to Cite
Vaca, M. (2015). The Value of Caring Relationships. DIÁNOIA, 60(75), 3–29.
Author Biography

Moisés Vaca

Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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