Some Considerations on the “Naturalistic Fallacy” (Could Have Normative Implicit Context Same Type of Empirical Statements?

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Enrique Dussel


From an agreement with the analytical critique of the naturalistic fallacy (from a reinterpretation of the position of Hume, and an exposition of the doctrine in Moore and the analytical philosophy) the author shows that in the case of a descriptive statement about the human life as such (as a human being responsible by his/her life it self), this type of statement is also “implicit” normative. “Make explicit” this normative (Random) aspect of the descriptive statement is not an analytical incorrect deduction of a normative statement from a descriptive one. It is not a case of naturalistic fallacy.


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How to Cite
Dussel, E. (2001). Some Considerations on the “Naturalistic Fallacy” (Could Have Normative Implicit Context Same Type of Empirical Statements?. DIÁNOIA, 46(46), 65–80.
Author Biography

Enrique Dussel

Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
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