The Doctrine of Eros in Plato's Republic

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María Angélica Fierro


Here, I intend to show that some aspects of the platonic conception of eros which are hinted at in the Symposium receive further development in the Republic, mainly: a) In the Symposium eros is conceived like the intense, universal desire for the good, which is focused in different individuals in different ways (Symp. 205d1–9). According to my interpretation, this idea is explained in the psychology of the Republic. b) In addition to this in Symp. 210a1–212a7 an “erotic ladder” is traced: the love for beautiful bodies; afterwards, for beautiful habits; then, for beautiful sciences; finally, for Beauty itself. However, no enlightenment about what these different “levels” refer to is provided. Here I show how the whole program of education in the Republic constitutes a systematic development of these ideas of the Symposium.


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How to Cite
Fierro, M. A. (2008). The Doctrine of Eros in Plato’s Republic. DIÁNOIA, 53(60), 21–52.
Author Biography

María Angélica Fierro

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, (CONICET-Argentina)
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