A Relation of Homogeneity between Heterogeneous Terms. On the Concept of Homogeneity in the Schematism Chapter in the Critique of Pure Reason

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Martín Arias Albisu


This paper deals with the concept of homogeneity(Gleichartigkeit) used by Kant in the schematism chapter of the Critique of Pure Reason. I discuss two recent papers that address the same problem. I show that, according to Kant, homogeneity consists in a relation between two heterogeneous terms (the category and the empirical manifold) made possible by the introduction of a third element (the transcendental schema). I claim that such a peculiar relation of homogeneity does not entail the suppression of the heterogeneity (in the usual meaning of the word) between the terms linked by it.


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How to Cite
Arias Albisu, M. (2009). A Relation of Homogeneity between Heterogeneous Terms. On the Concept of Homogeneity in the Schematism Chapter in the Critique of Pure Reason. DIÁNOIA, 54(63), 71–88. https://doi.org/10.21898/dia.v54i63.236
Author Biography

Martín Arias Albisu

CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas)
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