What is the Scope of a Theory of Justice?

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Gustavo Pereira


Sen’s criticisms to the theories of justice give way to the projection of three aspects of the scope of such theories. The first aspect is the possibility for an idealized moment and one of applicability to work together, because idealized principles and normative criteria allow for the guidance towards the applicability of the model. The second aspect is connected to the demands of applicability, in which task Sen’s capability informational basis allows for the expansion of Rawlsian justice. The third aspect presents the articulation of two informational bases and their respective distributive and compensatory logics. These three aspects of the scope of a theory of justice represent the best way toward the realization of justice in democratic societies, especially those severely affected by poverty, marginalization and social inequalities.


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How to Cite
Pereira, G. (2010). What is the Scope of a Theory of Justice?. DIÁNOIA, 55(65), 201–224. https://doi.org/10.21898/dia.v55i65.210
Author Biography

Gustavo Pereira

Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
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