Wittgenstein y la atribución de estados mentales a animales no humanos: enfoque de las habilidades o contextualismo de la forma de vida.

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Andrés Crelier


I discuss two alternative versions of the later Wittgenstein’s position on the attribution of psychological concepts to non-human animals: the “abilities’ approach” (Glock 2017) and the “form of life contextualism” (von Savigny 2016). I then use these construals as frameworks in which to interpret recent research in animal cognition. Section I introduces the exegetical problem and the next sections present each one of the approaches (sections II and III). Section IV claims that one should complement both perspectives, and Section V makes use of the Wittgensteinian frame to understand the way in which recent scientific research on animal cognition develops its explanatory hypotheses.


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How to Cite
Crelier, A. (2022). Wittgenstein y la atribución de estados mentales a animales no humanos: enfoque de las habilidades o contextualismo de la forma de vida. DIÁNOIA. Revista De Filosofía, 67(88), 25–53. https://doi.org/10.22201/iifs.18704913e.2022.88.1892
Author Biography

Andrés Crelier, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Profedor de Filosofía Contemporánea en la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina)

Investigador independiente en CONICET (Argentina)

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