Virtues, Legal Argumentation, and Judicial Ethics

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Amalia Amaya


According to Manuel Atienza, a theory of legal reasoning should give an answer to the following three questions: how to analyze an argumentation, how to evaluate it, and how to argue. This conception of the theory of legal reasoning is, however, too restrictive. In addition to providing a sound answer to these questions, a theory of legal reasoning should also give us an answer to the question of which judicial virtues are necessary to make good arguments. A theory of legal reasoning is thus intimately linked to a theory of judicial ethics.


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How to Cite
Amaya, A. (2011). Virtues, Legal Argumentation, and Judicial Ethics. DIÁNOIA, 56(67), 135–142.
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Author Biography

Amalia Amaya

Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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