Joke as a Hermeneutic Paradigm

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Sixto J. Castro


In this paper, after introducing the different theories of laughter, we defend that basic laughter (that one without a social function) has incongruity as its necessary, though not sufficient, element. Besides, we propose the joke (made primarily to provoke laughter) as a hermeneutic paradigm of understanding that provides a new view of a state of affairs, and breaks with what should be naturally expected from the course of the narrative. Even though there is a series of possible interpretations, only one is the right one, and that is the one that makes the joke a joke. 


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How to Cite
J. Castro, S. (2011). Joke as a Hermeneutic Paradigm. DIÁNOIA, 56(67), 87–111.
Author Biography

Sixto J. Castro

Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Valladolid (España)
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