Ontology and Politics of Hope. From Ernst Bloch to Quentin Meillassoux
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In this essay I offer a comparison between the philosophy of the German Marxist thinker Ernst Bloch and that of the French thinker Quentin Meillassoux apropos of the fact that both put forward an ontological foundation of hope and a politics of hope. In the first section I present the religious concept —criticized by Bloch and Meillassoux— of hope; in the second I explore the dialectical-materialist conception of Bloch, and in the third section I present the conception of Meillassoux, which I interpret as a critical radicalization of an immanent and materialist philosophy of hope. Throughout the essay and in the brief conclusion I show the similarities and differences between the conceptions of both thinkers and, due to its greater theoretical consistency, favor the perspective of Meillassoux.
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