Event and Miracle. 9/11: Gianni Vattimo or Joseph de Maistre?

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Víctor Samuel Rivera


This contribution revolves around the meaning of the terrorist attack

of September 11, 2001 for philosophical hermeneutics, particularly that

of Gianni Vattimo. The Torinese has devised in his texts between 2006 and

2014 a new version of hermeneutics based on the experience of this event.

This new hermeneutics would be attentive to the conflict and the social transformations

and would have at its core the notion of “event”. Vattimo himself,

however, does not offer an adequate operational definition of the term. Thus,

I propose to incorporate into the hermeneutic tradition concepts like “event”

and “miracle”, coined by Joseph de Maistre. It is a proposal of “maistrenization”

of hermeneutics in order to make it a plausible and fruitful discourse in

a violent and unstable world.


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How to Cite
Rivera, V. S. (2017). Event and Miracle. 9/11: Gianni Vattimo or Joseph de Maistre?. DIÁNOIA, 62(79), 49–75. https://doi.org/10.22201/iifs.18704913e.2017.79.1507
Author Biography

Víctor Samuel Rivera, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

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